It was a pleasure to host the 2024 Masonic Communities and Services Association Conference in Kansas City, Missouri. We hope that everyone was able to takeaway information, a connection, or an idea to implement In their future plans. For us, it was truly an honor to showcase our state, its leadership, and veterans throughout our events.

Our team is proud of the success of our Outreach Programs and the positive impact they provide to the lives of so many across Missouri. This conference was an opportunity to share our journey, and the ways in which we strategically work, not only to preserve our past, but to build a stronger future for those who may need us.

We cannot do this without being true to our tagline – Working Together. Succeeding Together. We hope you felt that by the end of the conference. Thank you for joining us and hearing us as we shared our stories. We hope that each speaker, each event, and each conversation rejuvenated you to return home excited to tackle the next obstacles and opportunities. We look forward to continued conversations and connections in our mission to work together and succeed together.